24 Hours / 6 Days a Week
We know that keeping your units moving is essential, even in a strong economy. That’s why our service departments offer 360° Full Circle Care for all makes and models, providing 24-hour service six days a week to help you maximize uptime. From our skilled service advisors to our expert technicians, no job is too tough for our team. We’re proud to deliver the highest level of care and expertise to our clients across Southern Ontario.
Request a Service Appointment

Express Assessment
We are proud to have our Hamilton and Ayr locations certified in a regiment of DTNA required criteria that provides us with the title of Elite Support. Visit us for an Express Assessment and we will provide a preliminary

Road Service
If your truck is stuck on the side of the road or parked at your facility, our skilled technicians are equipped to come to you as part of our 360° Full Circle Care!